Recycling Fees AE113
General description #
It extends the system with the functionality of recycling fees. Depending on the settings, it automatically adds fees to sales and service documents, or displays already included fees as notes on posted documents.
Recycling Fees #
The extension adds a new list of Recycling fees. From the list, it can clicked on the fee card, where are the following fields:
Categories General
- Code
- Description
- Product type – Specifies whether the G/L account or Resource line type is used for the charge line
- Product number – Specifies the G/L account or resource number that will be used when adding a charge line. Only the Machine resource type can be selected for the Resource type.
- Unit of measure – Displays the base unit of measure for the selected product in the case of the Source type.
- Charge type - Determines whether the charge is assessed per piece or per kilogram.
Category Prices - Allows you to set up recycling fee prices for individual currencies and periods. Two lines in the same currency can't have the same start date. This list can be added via "Related -> Prices" action from the list of recycling fee cards.
- Currency code
- Start date
- End date
- Amount
Sales #
Recycling fee code field has been added to the sales order lines, posted sales invoice, and posted sales shipment lines. This field can be filled in for lines of type "item". The goods must not be the "service" type. The field is automatically filled from the unit of measure of the goods after entering the goods number.
Service #
The Recycling fee field code has been added to service items, Posted service invoice, Posted service credit memo, and Posted service shipment. This field can be filled in for lines of type "item". The goods must not be the "service" type. The field is automatically filled from the unit of measure of the goods after entering the goods number.
Included Recycling Fees #
When using the included recycling charges functionality, only the posting process of sales and service documents is modified, no lines are created on the source unposted documents. When posting sales documents, lines of type "Comment" are created for each line that has the Recycling fee code field filled in. The text of the comment is filled in according to Sales and Receivables Settings, respectively Service Management Setup. According to the settings, the non-zero quantity on the fee is also checked. For more information about the settings, see the section of this documentation "Settings -> Sales and Receivables setup & Service Management Setup". The length of the text in the "comment" line is 100 characters, if the text is longer, it will be inserted into multiple comments.
Extended Recycling Fees #
When using the extended recycling fees functionality, the process is modified at the stage of an unposted document. After filling in the Recycling Fee Code on the document lines, a fee line lines are also created behind these document lines. At the same time, the recycling fee code is automatically filled in on the line after entering the Article number, if possible. The created line is set up to the type and product number that is defined on the fee card. The Quantity, Quantity to ship, and Quantity to invoice fields are filled in on the line. In the case of a "per piece" fee, these fields mirror the field values of the source row. Any different units of measurement are taken into account. In the case of a "per kg" fee, the weight set on the unit of measure of the item that has a recycling fee set, is multiplied by the quantity on the source line. Any different units of measurement are taken into account. If the unit of measurement does not have a weight filled in, the user will see a notification. The fields are automatically updated when you change the Quantity, Unit of measure code, Qty, and To be invoiced fields on the source line. You can't manually change or delete a charge line. The line is automatically deleted when you clear the Recycling fee code field on the source line. When posting, non-zero prices are checked on lines according to Sales and Receivables Settings and Service Management Setup. Copy of delivery lines # When you use the extended recycling fees functionality, the basic functionality for copying shipment lines to sales invoices (Sales Invoice -> Lines -> Function -> Get Shipment Lines is modified. The lines with fees are not displayed in the shipment line selection dialog box. If the user selects the lines, which include the fees lines tied to them, they are automatically copied with them.
Return Delivery #
When you use the extended recycling charges functionality, the basic functionality for returning shipments (Posted sales shipment -> Lines -> Function -> Return shipment is modified. If a user selects lines, which include the fee lines tied to them, user must also select a fee lines. If the user doesn´t do so, an error is displayed. Setting # Items # On the Items card, the following fields have been added to the Prices & Sales category:
- Recycling fee code – Displays the recycling fee code that is set on the item's unit of measure. This field can also be added to the Items list. The fields have been also added to the table which you can filter by:
- Recycling fee defined – Whether any of the item's units of measure have a recycling fee set up.
- Recycling fee unit of measure – The unit of measure of the item which the recycling fee is set for.
Units of Measure of Items #
A Recycling Fee Code field has been added to the Item Units of Measure page. This field is visible only if the item is the type "service". As same as other fields on the page, this field can't be edited if there are open rows with that unit of measure. For each item, the recycling fee can only be set to one unit of measure. The recycling fee doesn't have to be set to a base unit of measure.
Sales & Receivables Settings & Service Management Setup #
A new group, Recycling fees, has been added to the General category. Here you need to activate the recycling fee functionality and choose one of the functionality behaviors:
- Included – Select this option if you already have charges included in the item prices. When posting, comments with the set text are added to the posted invoice for each line with the set fee.
- Extended - Select this option if you don't have fees included in the item prices. After selecting the item on the line, the line is automatically attached according to the settings on the fee card with the quantity according to the unit of measure/weight.
Other fields added to the settings:
The empty Recycling Fees Prices - Specifies how to check empty recycling fee prices. The check is always carried out when billing, both for included and extended fees.
- Included charges – The check is performed on a per-line basis. After the charge line is posted, a note with the fee price is added. Before inserting a note, it is checked that the total price of the fee is not zero.
- Extended charges - The check takes place before the document is posted. It is checked whether the fee lines have a non-zero price. Only those charge lines whose parent lines have a non-zero quantity are checked.
Possible options:
- Nothing - the check is not performed, in the case of included fees, zero note lines are not inserted.
- Warning - the user will see a confirmation of zero price when posting. Posting in the background will take place without interruption. In the case of included charges, zero note lines are not inserted after confirmation.
- Error - the posting process is interrupted.
Recycling Fee Invoice Text- allows you to set the text on invoices, the following substitutions are available:
- %1 - Unit Fee Price
- %2 - Total Fee
- %3 - Unit of measure of an item that has a charge set, or "kg" if the charge is per kg
- %4 - Quantity of fees
- %5 - Currency code
Example of note setup: Of which %2 %5 excl. VAT / %4 %3 is the recycling contribution (%€1 excl. VAT per %3).