Postponed entries AE049
General description #
Postponed template #
System can create an unlimited number of postponed templates. This page is accessible via the search bar as "postponed receivables"
A breakdown of receivables or text line can be added to each template saved. Template is applied to the document before posting.
User can specify the postponement time in days/weeks/months/quarters/years (data formula) and what percentage of the amount document represents.The calculation of the due date is performed based on the settings in the "sales and receivables"/"purchase and payables" settings (where it is determined from which field of the document the basic date should be taken).
The sum of the deferred amount (%) must not exceed 100%. If the sum is less, the remaining amount remains as an item for immediate payment.
Text lines allow you to define texts that will be automatically inserted into the document when the template is applied. Placeholder attributes can be used within these texts
- %1: Document number
- %2: Variable symbol
- %3: Variable symbol for postponed Item
- %4: Posting Date
- %5: Due date
- %6: Due date of the postponed Item
- %7: Amount incl. currency
- %8: Total amount after deducting all suspensions
- %9: Postponed amount
- %10: Postponed amount type
Pro každý řádek je možné definovat, zda se jedná o jedinečný (bude do dokladu vložen 1x) nebo o opakovatelná (bude do dokladu vložen tolikrát, kolik existuje řádků pozastávek v dokladu)
Postponed application #
Within sales order, sales invoice, purchase order and purchase invoice there is an action "Set Postponed Payables/Receivables Plan" creating Postponed Payables/Receivables for selected document.
There it is possible to fill in the specifics manually, or load default values from templates. When values are loaded from templates the breakdown of receivables or text lines will be automatically inserted (if defined in the template).
Posponed lines can not only define the posponed duration but it is also possible to set specific date in the Due Date field. As well as a specific amount in the Postponed Amount field.
Posting of documents and payments #
If the option to "Auto Post Journal" is enabled in the "sales and receivables"/"purchase and payables" settings, the Posting of created journal will occur automatically with the posting of documents according to the defined rules and accounts. If disabled, lines will be created in the set financial journal.
When posting a bank statement, the item that is paired with the hold item will be posted to the appropriate financial account. During the accounting of payments, it is not possible to combine the single payment settlement of multiple items with different settings (suspension/standard, short-term/long-term, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to split the payment item into several lines (standard functionality in the payment reconciliation journal).
Limitations #
In the current version, it is not possible to match payment items directly in the customer's items, but it is necessary to match them through the payment reconciliation journal, or by transferring the item through the financial journal.
in the current version, it is not possible to split an already posted invoice using the stop calendar. In this case, it is necessary to create an internal credit note for the document and post the document again.
In the current version, when canceling an invoice containing suspensions, it is necessary to first cancel the invoice itself and then cancel the individual suspension items using the financial journal.
Settings #
"sales and receivables"/"purchase and payables" settings #
New tab Posponed "receivables"/"payables".
- Journal Template Name specifies the financial journal template to which the lines are designed.
- Journal Batch Name specifies the financial journal sheet to which the lines are designed.
- Balance Account specifies the account through which suspensions are billed.
- Auto Post Journal determines whether holds are posted during posting of the source document.
Customer/Vendor Posting group #
New fields on the overview and on the account tab of Customer/Vendor groups:
- short-term Limit determines the number of days until which the suspension is charged as short-term.
- Postponed Receivable Calc specifies the field according to which the due date of the suspensions is calculated. The options are Bill Date (default), Document Date and Due Date.
- Short-Term Posting Group specifies the account group used for rebilling short-term suspensions
- Long-Term Posting Group specifies the account group used for rebilling long-term suspensions