EKO-KOM Statement AE072

General description #

The extension facilitates EKO-KOM statement.

When setting up, pay attention to Official documentation and always double-check the resulting statement!

Documentation #

  • Statements
  • Row design and export
  • Packaging of goods
  • Payers
  • Package Analytics
  • Additional package sale
  • Official documents for filling in the statement

Setting #

  • Statements
  • A configuration package that contains design tables that do not normally need to be changed.
    • Packaging Materials
    • Matrix

Official documents for filling in the #

Official documents for completing, current statements, manuals and other information directly related to the EKO-KOM system are available on the official EKO-KOM website.

  • Methodology for the Quarterly Statement on Packaging Production
  • v.2.57.XLSX Statement
  • New quarterly statement from 2021 - webinar
  • Video Statementing Manuals
    1. Use
    2. Charging, export
    3. Non-beverages, beverages, industrial
    4. Sales, groups, transport
    5. Composite packaging

Links are valid as of 22.10.2021

EKO-KOM Statement #

Creation #

When the user creates a new statement, there is automatically set up

  • Number according to the number series set in EKO-KOM Statement setup
  • Contact person data according to EKO-KOM Statement setup
  • The period number and year according to the current date for one period backwards. Creating a statement in January 2022 sets the 4th period of 2021

Statement Header #

Information available on the statement header

  • Number - internal number of the statement, it is not displayed in the resulting excel
  • Description
  • Your order no. - the number that will be displayed in the resulting excel on the front page in the "Your order number" field
  • Period number
  • Year
  • Start and end date - Automatically calculated using the period and year number
  • Status
  • Created date
  • Corrective - It is copied into the resulting excel, when changing the date of the statement it is automatically set according to whether there are already issued statements for the period, it can be changed manually
  • Contact person - contact details of the person responsible for filling in the statements


  • Suggest lines - more information can be found on the page Suggest lines
  • Export statement - more information can be found on the Statement Export statement
  • Release - the release of the statement prevents further modifications of the statement and hides the items of Package Analytics
  • Reopen

Statement Lines #

The statement lines are divided into sales (including shipping) and statistics. They can be filled in manually, but they are primarily generated using the Suggest lines action.

On the lines is monitored

  • Material Code & Description
  • Line type - Normal, recycled composite or analytics (more information on the page Suggest lines
  • Specific data only for categorization on the statement
    • Material type
    • Color
    • Total weight in tonnes
    • Source Number - refers to the source Item line or the line of Package Analytics, allows you to click on it
    • Exported into cells – determines, which cells this row was exported into, in the format List! ColumnRow (see Export statement page for more information)
  • For sales lines only - data specific only for categorization on the statement
    • Contains drinkables
    • Method of obtaining
    • Usage
    • Payer (more information on Payer page)
    • Flexibility
    • Volume
  • Only for statistical evidence lines (more information on the page Package analytics
    • Entry Type - Usage, Manufacture, or Disposal
    • Specify the color in more detail
    • Quantity

Lines which did not fall into any cells during export are marked in red.

Suggest lines #

The suggestion of lines for the statement can be started from EKO-KOM Statement Card. The function can only be run from an open statement.

When you suggest lines, all existing lines are deleted. If some lines already exist, the user is asked before taking this action.

The procedure goes through all the set Package materials which both have Quantity and Weight non-zero.

For the calculation there are used items of "Sale" type, or according to EKO-KOM Statement Setup also the type "Shipping".

For all Items lines are created EKO-KOM Statement lines type Normal, which contain all the properties of Package materials and the necessary information from the given Item line, such as the payer. The initial quantity is not monitored, the total weight is recorded directly, i.e. Quantity from the item line × Quantity from Package materials × Weight of Package materials.

If the recycled content ratio is set on the Package materials, the weight of the normal line is taken without the recycled parts. For such lines are generated the duplicated lines type Recycled, which contain only the weight of the recycled part.

If the material on the line is composite, for each of submaterials there is issued a line type Composite, which lists the weight of the composite, also without recording original quantity.

Then the procedure goes through all lines of Package Analytics within the period, including lines already issued by another statement. These lines are created with the type Analytics.

During the generation process, the system displays a dialog with the status that the statement is generating.

Export #

Export of lines for the statement can be started from EKO-KOM statement card. The function can be run only from the statement in status Released. For export, the export module must be selected in the EKO-KOM Statement Setup.

After the check, the user is asked to select the current statement supplied by EKO-KOM, available for download from Official Sources.

After the statement is loaded, the title page of the statement is filled in from the Statement Header, Statement Setup and Company Information.

After the process of generating the statement is started, a dialog with percentages is displayed and the lines and columns of EKO-KOM Matrix are scanned. During the filtering process, the number of generating lines are continuously checked, so if there is no line on the page, it jumps straight to the next page.

After the generation is completed, the finished statement with the name in the format Statement EKO-KOM [YEAR] Q[QUARTER](- CORRECTIVE).xlsx is downloaded.

During the calculation, cells are assigned to individual lines of the statement, which the line has been written into. Each line should be written to one cell.

Exceptions are:

  • Analytics lines, where one line can be assigned to multiple cells, for example for showing the sum of quantities and weights
  • Normal composite lines, where just the breakdown into individual submaterials is listed without the main line in some cases

Item packages #

From the Item list using Action -> Items -> Item packages and from Items tab using Related -> Items -> Item packages can be clicked through to the new Packaging page On this new page, the Package materials are set up. This is then used to design the statement lines.

  • Material code - specifies the material from the Package Materials table. It is not possible to select the crates
  • Composite
  • Material Description
  • Quantity - the default value is 1. It is possible to specify that the packaging appears multiple times on the goods. If set to 0, it turns red
  • Weight - determines the weight of one package in kilograms
  • Data specific only for categorization on the statement
    • Recycled - determines how much of the total weight of the packaging is directly composed of recycled materials
      • It can be entered in kilograms or as a percentage, the fields are interconnected
    • Type
    • Method of Obtaining
    • Usage
    • Color
    • Flexibility
    • Volume
    • Contains drankable
    • Littering category
      • Only packages with the selected category will be included on "L" sheet.

When leaving the page, a check is performed to ensure that all lines have Quantity, Weight, and, if necessary, sub-materials filled in. There is no check of the correct registration of materials! There is no need to fill in all the information. When filling in the form, follow the instructions Statement methodology.

Submaterials (composite) #

For materials that are marked as "Composite" in the Package Materials setting must be defined the decomposition to the specific materials which it is consist of. It´s possible to click through Composit field or the Submaterials action in Item Packages. If the material is not set as composite, the action is blocked and the field does not respond to the click.

On page Item package submaterials, the user can set:

  • Submaterial code,
  • The proportion that the material makes up
    • It can be entered in kilograms or as a percentage, the fields are interconnected

When leaving the page, there is checked that the sum of all submaterials is 100% of the weight of the original material. There is no check of the correct registration of shares! When filling in the form, follow the instructions Statement metodology.

Payer #

For the correct classification during the lines suggestion, it is necessary to determine the payer of EKO-KOM fee. On the Customer and Vendor card the Payer EKO-KOM field has been added to the "Payments" category. According to EKO-KOM the packages are divided as follows:

  • Chargeable - The company will pay a fee for this packaging, for this type there is the most detailed breakdown is in the statement
  • Prepaid - The packaging fee is already paid by the supplier of the goods
  • Unpaid - The company has a contract with the customer that the fee will be paid by the customer
  • Exported - Packages are exported out of the Czech Republic

Then the division is proceeded as follows:

  1. If the Customer (Source 2 on the Item Item) is from a country other than that specified in the Company Information, it is an exported packaging
  2. Otherwise, if the Supplier who is set up on the Goods card via the Supplier number is marked as an EKO-KOM payer, it is a prepaid packaging
  3. Otherwise, if the Customer (Source 2 on the Item of Goods) is designated as an EKO-KOM Payer, it is unpaid packaging
  4. Otherwise, it is a paid packaging.

For more information on Statement metodology.

Package Analytics #

On the new Package Analytics page, it is possible to monitor the production, use and rejection of packaging and crates. Opening the page automatically applies the filter to display only unreleased lines, the filter can be manually turned off.

Package Analytics are used to track information

  • Date - date of production/usage/disposal of packaging, used for inclusion in the statement period
  • Entry type – determines whether the packaging is manufactured, used, or disposed
  • Material code - the crates can be selected only for the production and usage. Any non-composite material can be selected for disposal.
  • Material Description
  • Material type
  • Quantity - How many pieces of packaging have been discarded
  • Total weight - How many kilograms of packaging have been disposed in total
    • It is not the weight of one package that is given, but the weight of the entire disposed batch
    • If 500 packages are discarded, each per 2g, 1kg is entered
    • For crates, it is calculated automatically from Packaging materials and cannot be filled in manually
  • Disposal type - filled in only if eliminated
  • Color
  • Released - Sets according to whether there is EKO-KOM statement line that is issued and refers to this line in Package Analytics

There is no check of correct records. When filling in the form, follow the instructions Statement metodology.

Additional package sale #

On the new Additional package sale page, it is possible to additionally monitor the sale of packaging without any link to specific items or transactions. Opening the page automatically applies the filter to display only unreleased lines, the filter can be manually turned off. The same information as on Additional package sale page is tracked on Item packages, in addition to Payer, which in other cases is automatically calculated according to Customer/Vendor. Additional evidence does not support decomposition into composite materials. There is no check of correct records. When filling in the form, follow the instructions Statement metodology.

Setting up EKO-KOM statements #

On the new page EKO-KOM Statement Setup, there is necessary to set up information how to generate statements

  • General - The information in this category affects working and generating the statements
    • EKO-KOM ID - EKO-KOM client number for identification the company. It always starts with a letter and continues with 8 digits. Example: F12345678. This number is displayed on the cover page of the statement.
    • EKO-KOM statement numbers – no. of series for EKO-KOM statements. The selected numbers are assigned to new statements. They are not visible on the generated statement.
    • Calculate negative adjustments – when generating a statement, sales are calculated from Item Ledger Entries. If this option is turned on, items type "Sale" and also type "Negative adjustments" are included. When you turn off the option, only type "Sale" is counted.
    • Export codeunit - selection of codeunit for export and filling in Excel document – option is divided into other export modules separately for Cloud, and On-Prem systems.
  • Contact - Information in this category is copied to individual statements
    • E-mail for receiving the invoices
    • Contact person
      • Name
      • Phone number
      • Fax
      • E-mail

Výkazy EKO-KOM AE072 #

A configuration package with default EKO-KOM setup is available for extension.

This package contains:

  • EKO-KOM package materials - All materials which the individual pages of the final statement are divided into
    • see. Setting: Packaging Materials
  • EKO-KOM matrix - Setting up single statement pages and their filters
    • see. Setting: Matrix

Download the package now. The data in the package is current as of statement version 2.65 (Q3 2023).

EKO-KOM Package Materials #

On the new page EKO-KOM package materials the materials need to be set up. Default settings which contain all the information to use the statement are included in the supplied configuration package. There is no need to manually intervene in this setting, except for the weight settings for the crates if the company is involved in the statistical evidence of the usage of crates.

Material settings:

  • Code - specifies the material code, which is filled in then the Item packages and the statements are filtered according to it.
  • Description
  • Composite - determines whether it is a composite material. For composite materials, it is necessary to specify the breakdown to specific non-composite materials in the Packaging of Goods settings.
  • Crate – specifies whether the line specifies a crate for Package Analytics. It is not possible to select these materials in Item Packages
  • Unit Weight - specifies the weight of one crate in kg. It is not necessary to fill it in for other lines
  • Plastic - determines whether the material is plastic, for the purposes of Littering category. Other statement sheets are not affected by this property.

Matrix EKO-KOM #

On the new page EKO-KOM Matrix the user has to set up individual pages of the statement and filters for their lines and columns. Default settings containing all the information to use the statement are included in supplied configuration package. There is no need to manually intervene in this setting.

Setting the # Matrix #

  • Code - serves only as a unique identifier. Its filling is also written into Sheet name field if it is empty
  • Sheet name – it is used to determine the correct sheet of the statement
  • Description and Long description
  • Filters
  • Action
    • Duplicate Matrix - creates a new matrix with the same header filters and the same lines/columns

Lines and columns of the # matrix #

  • Row number / Column number - defines the row number or column number which defines this record
  • Group - allows the user to define multiple groups on one sheet of the statement. Columns from the same group are always used for rows
  • Material code filter - allows faster writing and reading of Material Code filter from filters
  • Filters
  • Non-included materials – allows the user to set the filter for the selected row to Material code to include all material codes that are not specified in other rows (not available for columns)
  • For rows only
    • Ignore columns - sets which columns should remain blank for the given row. Numbers are entered, separated by comma (4,5,7,8,9) or a range (4..9)
  • For columns only
    • Value - determines how the cell should be filled
  • Action
    • Copy filters - copies the filters of the selected row and saves them in the background
    • Paste filters - inserts filters stored in the background into the row
    • Duplicate lines - duplicates the selected lines

Filters #

Filters can be defined on the matrix header, lines, and columns. When generating the statement, all filters are set one by one. During the calculation the filters of the whole page are set, then the filters of the given row and the filters of the given column, all of them are active at once.

Example setup:

  • On sheet header A filter Material Type = "Sales"
  • On line 1, filter Material Code = "PL_PET"
  • On column 3, filter Method of obtaining= "Imported to the Czech Republic"
  • Cell C1 (row 1, column 3) in sheet A counts all rows that meet the filters Material Type = "Sales", Material Code = "PL_PET" and Method of obtaining = "Imported to the Czech Republic".