Generic Word Layouts AE136
Description #
This extension adds customizable Word layouts for selected print reports of business documents.
The extension also allows adding custom fields to selected reports.
Customizable Report Layout Templates #
Pre-prepared customizable Word layouts have been added to selected reports.
The layouts can be selected in the Report Layout field in the report dialog. In this selection, the layouts can also be exported and customized using the Export Layout and Replace Layout actions.
Customizable layouts are available for reports:
31018 "Sales - Invoice with Adv. CZZ"
- Sales - Invoice with Advance (Czech)31190 "Sales Credit Memo CZL"
- Sales Credit Memo (Czech)
Custom Report Fields #
Custom fields can be added to selected reports using the Custom Report Fields page, which can be searched for, or opened from the Custom Report Layouts page.
After selecting a supported report from Usage, all available fields that can be added to the report are displayed. Supported reports have Usage divided into header and line usages.
For each usage, there are 20 standard fields named customField01
- customField20
and 5 pairs of fields for displaying hyperlinks named customLink01_Url
- customLink05_Url
paired with customLink01_UrlText
- customLink05_UrlText
. Therefore, a total of 60 fields (2x 20 standard + 2x 5 link fields) are available on supported reports.
Set up a text link that uses custom text as the display name
Fields are available in individual reports according to the names of individual data items, such as ART_AA_CustomField01_SalesInvoiceHeader
, ART_AA_CustomLink01_SalesCrMemoHeader_Url
and ART_AA_CustomLink01_SalesCrMemoHeader_UrlText
In the layouts of all reports, all fields are always offered (and loaded), including unused ones, so the number of fields is limited to 50 (60 incl. links) fields per report. If the number of fields is not sufficient for you, contact us for further options.
Setup #
Each custom field - each row in the list - has several settings available.
Basic Options #
- Name - The name of the field under which the field will be available in the report layout
- Description - Informative description that does not affect the behavior of the field. The description will not be displayed in the report layout or anywhere else.
- Type - Field evaluation method
- Only Evaluate for Line Type - If specified, the field will be evaluated only for the selected Line Type (Item, G/L Account, ...). For other lines, the field will be left empty. * This field is available only in Usages for lines, not for headers.
Format Expression - Allows you to set a custom expression for formatting the value of the selected field.
- The expression can be numeric to determine a standard format, or text to determine a custom format.
- More information on available formats can be found in the official documentation.
Transformation Rule - Allows you to set a custom transformation rule for the value of the selected field.
- More information on transformation rules can be found in the official documentation.
Field Evaluation Methods #
1. Text #
Allows you to specify a text with a maximum length of 2048 characters.
The text can be translated using the assisted setup button (⋯) or the Translations action. The text is translated according to the language in which the report is printed, usually according to the Language Code field on the document. A translation with an empty language code is used as the default, if no translation is found for a specific language.
It is possible to insert variables into the text using substitution tags (%1
, %2
, %3
, ...), which will be replaced by parameters that can be created using the Create parameter action. Parameters can be set in the same way as custom fields.
2. Table field #
Allows you to select a field from the table related to the selected usage.
For example, for the Sales Order Confirm. usage, you can select any field from the 36 "Sales Header"
table, for the Posted Sales Credit Memo (Line) usage, you can select any field from the 115 "Sales Cr.Memo Line"
The field that is to be displayed can be selected using the Field No. field.
3. Related table field #
Allows selecting a field from a table that can be found using a user-defined Table Relation.
In the Table Relation Code field, you can select a Table Relation, through which the related record will be fetched. If no record is found, the field will be empty.
The field that is to be displayed can be selected using the Field No. field.
When setting relations to tables related to the type of line, such as Items, G/L Accounts, etc., it is recommended to set the Only Evaluate for Line Type option to the corresponding line type to prevent incorrect data loading in case of conflicting codes of records in the tables.
This relation would not normally be possible to make, as it is not possible to user-configure a relation using the current user's ID. If the setup does not exist, the field will be empty.
The field that is to be displayed can be selected using the Field No. field.
5. Employee field #
Allows selecting a field from the employee card of the employee who is printing the report.
This relation would not normally be possible to make, as it requires a link through multiple tables. The employee is looked up using the Employee No in the User Setup. If the setup does not exist, or if no employee is selected in it, the field will be empty.
The field that is to be displayed can be selected using the Field No. field.
6. Today #
Allows displaying the current date (at the time of printing).
7. Work Date #
Allows displaying the work date of the user who is printing the report.
8. User ID #
Allows displaying the ID of the user who is printing the report.
Supported Reports #
Currently, custom fields can be add into the following reports:
31018 "Sales - Invoice with Adv. CZZ"
- Sales - Invoice with Advance31028 "Purchase-Invoice with Adv. CZZ"
- Purchase - Invoice with Advance31185 "Purchase Order CZL"
- Purchase Order31186 "Sales Quote CZL"
- Sales Quote31187 "Sales Order Confirmation CZL"
- Sales Order Confirmation31190 "Sales Credit Memo CZL"
- Sales Credit Memo31191 "Sales Shipment CZL"
- Sales Shipment (Delivery note)